Optimising A Retail Business Critical Service

WAN Performance Consultancy And Managed Service in Retail

Helping a major UK retailer maintain critical WAN services during the park
Black Friday and festive trading periods

Intergence were asked by a major UK retailer with several hundred branch locations to help identify critical problems which were leading to Point-of-Sale (cash till), “lock-ups” and in some cases causing complete branch outages due to non-functioning of these PoS devices.

This was having a significant impact on both brand image and revenue.

The Challenge

Initial consulting work involving specialist know-how and technology pinpointed the root-cause of the problem.

This work, completed over six weeks, was presented via a detailed report with recommendations for remediation.

The key finding was that customer in-store WiFi was impacting the performance of business critical applications due to uncontrolled non-business traffic.

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The Solution

Intergence then undertake more detailed testing, and worked with the retailer to identify and prioritise applications in order of business criticality.

Once this process was completed, the critical business applications and services were protected and prioritised ensuring primary access to services over other applications.

This solution was then applied to other less critical business traffic to protect it from non-business traffic.

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The Impact

After successfully proving the service, Intergence rolled out the Appfire Managed solution across the entire retail estate over a period of six weeks, in time for peak Black Friday and Christmas trading.

The service scaled extremely well due to centralised management and “rapid to deploy” devices.

Intergence managed the whole process from Programme Management, design, staging and implementation.

Now that the service is live, Intergence provides a full Managed Service for all of the application monitoring and management from its headquarters in Cambridge.

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