SOC as a Service

Discover outsourced security at in-house standards – delivered by experts in protective solutions. Our Security Operations Centre (SOC) as a Service knows your infrastructure, keeps it protected, and acts as your business all-around cyber surveillance. 

Detection, prevention and diligent threat response

The security threat is prevalent, its techniques growing more sophisticated. With cyber-crime rising exponentially year-on-year, it takes specialist support to provide full, protective peace of mind.   

Our SOC as a Service combines human intelligence with advanced automated cyber security, providing lightning-fast incident response supported by next-generation technologies – leaving you to concentrate on your business growth.

All eyes on your business security

Know every endpoint is surveyed, protected and diligently defended. Our SOC as a Service is your dedicated defence from threats at all stages of intrusion. 

Talk to Us

  • Threat and intrusion detection
    Our security experts survey your Cloud, servers and networks for any anomalies or intrusions. Together with our industry-leading security technologies, we spot any successful intrusions – and prevent any further ones from occurring.

  • Vigilant vulnerability monitoring
    Intrusions can’t occur without vulnerable entry pointsthat’s why our SOC as a Service team delivers constant vulnerability monitoring. We’re on hand to close the gaps in your company’s cyber security, however and whenever they arise.  

  • Always-evolving intelligence
    Cyber-criminals are becoming smarter. So too should your cyber security. Our defensive technologies learn, adapt and evolve to cyber threats as and when they occur – meaning smarter, swifter responses. 

  • Security information and event management
    Log access attempts, events and changes across your security network. Ensure policies are adhered to, defences are compliant and that any changes can be traced – anomalous or otherwise.

  • Tested for integrity
    When sensitive or essential files are amended, moved or deleted, the affects can be devastating. Our SOC as a Service solution regularly checks the integrity of all files to avoid any file discrepancies.

  • Built for your systems 
    There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all security. Your SOC as a service is built to the standards and demands of your infrastructure alone – and monitored by an IT provider that understands it extensively. 

Boosting public sector network and data security

In turbulent times, public sector IT systems are more likely than ever to be targeted by cyber criminals, and Tendring District Council is No Exception. 

Our Case Study details how we introduced 24/7 security monitoring across the District Council, protecting not only its staff but the citizens they serve daily.

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Approved and accredited



Secured at every stage

We’re experienced in cyber security, consultancy and the unique demands of your business sector. Our SOC as a Service is built to meet your protective needs, answer your security concerns, and comply with your sector’s regulatory responsibilities.

  • Cooperative consultancy
    We work on a cooperative, ground-level basis, working with you on-prem where possible to learn your systems, standards and security concerns.

  • Sector-specific security 
    We’re experienced in numerous business sectors, including finance, legal, transport and retail. Our security is tailored to the unique threats and vulnerabilities of each.

  • Adapt in all platforms 
    Whether Microsoft, Google or Amazon Web services, we’re platform agnostic and experts in all Cloud providers to ensure your connected solutions are secured across all of them.

  • Total transparency
    With event logging, SIEM and our revelatory Stratiam solution, you’re never in any doubt that our SOC services are meeting specifications and services level agreements. 


Shaped by Stratiam

Today's insights, tomorrow's innovations

Stratiam is our unique and unrivalled technical solution, and a powerful enterprise enabler. Providing an open window into your operations and applications, Stratiam’s security capabilities work in real-time to assess your network, identify discrepancies and intelligently eliminate threats via machine learning. 

  • Customise
    Set up the Stratiam you want. Customisable templates let you decide how you manage and view your desktop, its users and any connected apps.

  • Clarify
    See your business from a whole new perspective. Stratiam looks at your business technologies as a whole, giving you unparalleled transparency. 

  • Correlate
    If you’re relying on multiple solutions, let Stratiam collate them into one proactive whole and deliver a consistent new management solution.

  • Collaborate
    You see everything we do through Stratiam. Full visibility means both you and Intergence can take collaborative steps towards your cyber security.

Your partners in protective surveillance

With all eyes on your business security, SOC as a Service means you’ve the protective peace of mind you deserve. Threats to your business are analysed, defended against and thoroughly reported – so you know exactly where your security stands. 

For an expert SOC as a Service provider, get in touch today.