7 Strategies to Digital Change and How They Benefit Your Business

Going digital is a necessity these days, not only to streamline operations and improve customer service, but to survive, thrive and grow. However, for many businesses managing this change can cause as many problems as it solves.

Intergence offers a unique combination of consultancy, technology, and managed services expertise to help companies overcome the challenges of digital transformation from strategy to benefits realisation and business adoption. Combining the principles and values of Agile and Business Change, the business has assisted a broad range of industries, sectors and cultures achieve the desired outcomes of their digital projects faster and with greater success.

In this month’s blog, we’ll deep dive into 7 strategies to manage digital change and the benefits of digital transformation. 

7 Strategies to Manage Digital Change

1. Build a Solid Foundation

The key to successful change is a solid foundation. When you embark on a digital transformation journey, your IT infrastructure is key. A partner like Intergence can help you simplify and modernise your technology so it’s cheaper to run, easier to scale and less vulnerable to security threats.

2. Cloud First Is a Must

The modern workplace needs to be able to facilitate flexible working. If you have not done so already, now is the time to adopt a cloud-first approach. Our experts can help you choose the right platform and technology for your business.

3. Think Self-Serve

Whether it’s employee or customer, the future lies in self-service. Prioritising self-service will improve customer service and productivity, boost website traffic and can be extended to all parts of your business.

4. Automate Core Processes

Relying on manual processes and an overabundance of spreadsheets doesn’t just cost you a lot of time, it also leads to unnecessary errors. Automation and machine learning enables you to digitise your processes and boost your productivity.

5. Re-imagine the Customer Journey

The modern customer is empowered, and with these changing expectations and increased competition in the market, you need to ensure that your business is making the customer’s online experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. A partner like Intergence can help you remove friction, minimise abandonment and increase commercial opportunities.

6. Data In One Place

The more systems, databases and platforms you use, the harder it is to have a clear overview of your systems and efficiently fix problems when they arise. At Intergence, we help businesses get a holistic overview of their data through Stratiam®.

7. IT Managed Service

Managing your newly implemented technology as well as your day-to-day work can be an overwhelming task, especially if you may not have the right expertise in-house. This is where Managed IT Services come in. At Intergence, we offer Managed Services as part of our broad service offering, allowing you to focus on what really matters: your customers.

Benefits of Digital Transformation

When you set up a digital transformation strategy for your business, you will be able to fundamentally change the way you work for the better. More productivity, lower costs, and the opportunity of near-limitless success – it’s all possible with digital transformation.

Cost Reductions

It might sound counterintuitive, but digital change will save you money in the long run. Legacy technology is expensive to maintain, so upgrading to newer technology will allow you to lower your overall operating costs. With Cloud computing, you no longer have to make exorbitant upfront investments in hardware. Most Clouds are operating on a pay-as-you-go model which is more feasible, especially for smaller companies.

Heightened Security

Thanks to the technological advancements over the last decade, Cloud computing is now more secure than relying on legacy technologies. When you base your digital change on a fundament of cyber security you ensure a resilient and reliable transformation. A managed service provider, like Intergence, can help you assess your security structure and fortify your business.

Scalability and Flexibility

Is your business growing? A Cloud environment is easily scalable, offering you the agility you need to react quickly to any shifting business needs. Digital transformation will give you flexibility, enable better resource management and offers the ability to quickly roll out new functions and features. A managed network services provider can provide high-speed, dedicated networking across your business.

Enhanced Productivity

Increased flexibility and scalability allow your team to be more productive. Working in a cloud environment allows you to consolidate your functions and information and make them accessible from multiple devices, offering your team the ability to quickly access anything they need from wherever they are. Streamlining your workflows with the right tools will allow your team to get more work done in a smaller amount of time.  

Automation and Machine Learning

Another feature that allows for more productivity is the ability to take advantage of automation and machine learning. Being able to automate manual tasks in all areas of business will make you more efficient, and machine learning can be used to increase security, get better insights and improve customer experience.  

Data-Driven Insights

Digital transformation enables you to get better data insights into your workflows and output. This will allow you to see where you’re going right, and where you’re going wrong, which enables you to enhance your business strategy and improve your operations. If you’re struggling to understand how to get started, an IT partner like Intergence can support you in discovering your true potential through business analytics.

Increased Profitability and Conversions

The business benefits of digital transformation will enable you to increase your profitability. Seeing how Cloud computing increases scalability, flexibility and productivity on top of reducing your costs, you and your team will be left with improved workflows and more time for what truly matters: your work. This enhanced productivity will not only decrease frustrations for your team, but it can also improve your client satisfaction. This way, embracing digital transformation can lead you to increased profitability and conversions.

Intergence: Enabling Your Digital Transformation

While digital transformation offers an abundance of benefits, it can also present a challenge. Where do you get started? What is your order of priority? Especially for smaller companies, who often have less resources at their disposal than large enterprises, it can be difficult to manage digital transformation on their own. 

Having a digital transformation partner can greatly alleviate these concerns and allows you to get help with your technology. At Intergence, we support you on your transformation journey, streamlining and simplifying your digital growth and planning for your future.

As the facilitator for your digital transformation, we offer so much more than just consulting services. Our broad service offering also includes, but is not limited to, managed services such as: 

  • Cloud transformation and migration 

  • Managed security services 

  • Managed network services 

  • Security services 

  • Desktop services 

  • And more! 

If you want to find out more about how digital transformation can help drive your business forward, download our Digital Transformation playbook today, where we go into greater detail on our 7 strategies to manage digital change.  

Download our digital transformation ebook