The Ultimate Guide to Application Performance Management

Why APM could be the best Christmas present for Digital Transformation

The festive season approaches, and yet it takes you until the last minute to find a present–sound familiar? Thankfully, nowadays it’s easier than ever to find the perfect gift with the click of a mouse and take advantage of the vast selection of gift options online. However, you still need to pick and choose the right sites. Way too often have we (and you, probably) left a site with promising products because of slow response time or endless popups that test your patience and ruin your online experience.

It's easy to underestimate the importance of a great “Omnichannel experience”. Not only does the website need to work, but it also has to understand the customer needs and then ensure the goods are dispatched and delivered.

Which brings us onto my main point: At Intergence, the majority of our clients are embarking on a digital transformation journey and we are helping them at various stages of this. All too often though, the customer gets forgotten about. How can you work out the progress of your digital journey if you are not measuring yourself and your level of customer satisfaction along the way?

All too often we meet clients who have embarked on a digital transformation journey and, similarly to our Christmas shopping experience, waited until the last minute to start thinking about Application Performance Management (APM) and the end-customer experience. However, if you do this, chances are that you will fail to deliver a great user experience and you will find it much harder to measure your progress along the digital highway.


What is APM?

You might wonder what Application Performance Management is and why it’s so important to think about? When we talk about APM, we mean the monitoring and management of your metrics to ensure optimised application performance, system availability, response time and improved user experience.

In today’s interconnected digital world, there are a variety of factors that can affect your application’s performance, which is why it’s so crucial to have an APM system in place. Especially in the hybrid and remote working era, a non-working application means people aren’t able to do their work. And even if you find the error, it still can prove difficult to find the root cause of the error. If you work with APM software, it will help you streamline your application management and meet your users’ needs.

There are a lot of features of Application Performance Management, including:
  • End-to-end observability
  • Application availability and uptime
  • Root-cause and impact analysis
  • Mobile and desktop application monitoring
  • Real user monitoring
  • API Load Testing
And more...

Naturally, as with any digital transformation, it’s important to build your AWS Cloud or Hybrid and rationalise the applications and processes, but we are passionate about ensuring that you baseline your existing estate first and then build great analytics to plot the whole of the journey. The key message is that if you build the foundations right, your digital transformation process will be smoother and much more likely to deliver great services to your customers. And the foundation of any thriving business is a happy customer.


How Can We Help You With Digital Transformation?

We really do want to help you avoid the experience of a metaphorical last-minute Christmas shopping debacle. At Intergence, we have spent years helping our clients understand and deliver great customer experience through intelligent Application Performance Management. Learn more about our APM approach and check your our digital transformation services today to see how we can help you thrive in 2023.

From all of us at Intergence: A very Merry Christmas to you and happy new year.


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