Stratiam: a new cloud and application control platform

A brand new way of aggregating disparate data sources from multiple data channels into a single pane of glass to enable IT leaders to optimise their customers digital experience across all channels.

Cambridge UK: Intergence announces a new way for CIO’s and IT managers to gain a simple and clear view of their entire IT ecosystem. This solves the complexities of tracking applications and the performance for their users and customers from a user and customer perspective. For the first time you can successfully monitor and manage complex digital transformations with a single source of data, regardless of where your applications traverse including service providers and the Internet.

“Stratiam enables CIO’s to reconnect with their end-users by giving them control of all of the moving parts of their IT infrastructure through a single pane of glass” says Peter Job, CEO Intergence. “Our knowledge of applications, cloud, the Internet and how service management should be able to give an end-to-end service view has enabled us to give CIO’s a unique insight into users’ entire digital experience”, says Job. As more organisations use the cloud and the Internet to build and operate their applications, being able to monitor and manage this successfully has become paramount. Stratiam enables CIO’s to gain visibility and control of existing services and, rank the customer satisfaction, as well as checking how successfully and reliably new applications are being deployed.

Intergence believes that Stratiam will enable IT managers to achieve the following:

– Greater control of suppliers, KPI’s and customers

– An enhanced customer experience through a much deeper understanding of how applications are performing across internal infrastructure, cloud and the Internet

– Higher customer retention through offering a more reliable and optimised digital experience for customers

– Cost savings by eliminating duplication of data sources and only using the important data which is relevant to each department in one “single pane of glass”.