Public Cloud Solutions

Take your business online with expansive yet accessible solutions

With our assistance, the world’s most renowned Public Cloud solutions power your services, expand your online presence and make it easier than ever to join the Cloud workspace.

Your first steps into a flexible workplace

Delivered by the tech world’s most respected providers, your Public Cloud solutions are among the simplest and most streamlined ways of working. At Intergence, we’re familiar with all major Public Cloud providers including Google, Amazon and Microsoft – helping you take your Public Cloud solutions as far as possible.

With Public Cloud solutions, your online workspace is easy and accessible; and with our support, it’s optimised to perfection.

For the journey, the destination and beyond, get in touch with our team today.

Talk to Us  

  • A cost-effective cloud
    Public Cloud pricing is as predictable as it is flexible, with regular recurring payments often based on a simple per-user, per-month basis.

  • No managing, no maintenance
    No need to monitor networking, maintenance or data brokering. Your cloud provider handles the technical stuff, with us fine-tuning your solutions for perfection.

  • Uptime, all the time
    Know your solutions are always available with guaranteed uptime and worldwide data centres. You’re supported wherever you choose to work from.

  • Able and agile
    Work from anywhere. Customise your cloud package. Work to your budget, infrastructure and aspirations and virtualise powerful hardware otherwise impossible on-prem. Public Cloud make it all possible.


Approved and accredited



A portfolio of providers

Whichever service you choose, whatever solutions you’re most familiar with, or whatever is right for your business, we’ve worked extensively with the most renowned cloud providers to make your online workspace perfect.
Our services cover:

Amazon Web Services


The leading cloud platform for features and services. Amazon Web Services is a deep and functional Cloud solution.

Learn More  



Ideal for those already in the Microsoft ecosystem. Microsoft’s Cloud helps you take those familiar functions further.

Learn More  

Google Cloud Platform


Utilise Google’s simple, accessible solutions and leverage specialist features for an accessible Cloud workspace.

Learn More  

Intergence – your partners 
in the Cloud

We’re driven by the expansive power of the internet, and the value of data intelligence. Look no further for your partners in exceptional Public Cloud solutions.

  • Experienced in all eras
    From technical marvel to household name, we’ve watched and worked towards the internet’s staggering growth, making us familiar with any and all of your chosen web providers.


  • Technical contributors
    As developers of cloud and workplace solutions, we’ve worked with multiple businesses and users on the technical solutions that work for them. Your needs are our specialty.


  • Enable evolution
    Our expertise with Microsoft, Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services mean you can explore your Ccoud capabilities with the providers you rely on the most.


  • Moved, monitored and managed
    Cloud services are ongoing, which is why ours are too. We manage and maintain your Public Cloud solutions constantly, with help at hand whenever you need it most.


Enabled by Stratiam

See everything, at all times.

Stratiam is our unique and unrivalled technical solution, and powerful enterprise enabler. By bringing all your business data into a single, holistic environment, Stratiam gives you wide-reaching visibility of your processes, opportunities and outcomes.

Compatible with a wide range of enterprise software, Stratiam turns your every solution into a single, synergised solution for change.



Connect data streams across your solutions and visualise data the way you see fit. Customisable templates let you filter your Public Cloud data into the stats and processes that bring business change.



Measure performance, volumes, costs and more. Combine your cloud analytics with anything on-prem and leverage holistic data visibility that lets you see your business like never before.



Bring anything outside in. Work your cloud applications into your processes and create all-new ways of working with AI and machine learning technologies.



Both Intergence and its clients have equal access to Stratiam – meaning both have the insight, intelligence and analytics to collaborate on new opportunities.

Powered by our people

Our cloud-first approach has seen businesses through the challenges of networking, security, desktop services and more.

Digital Transformation
with agility at its heart


How Intergence transformed its core processes, provided faster, more efficient services and improved Tendring District Council’s customer experience.

Read the Case Study  

Cloud Strategy and


How Intergence accelerated a complex company merger with a holistic new infrastructure, low-risk Cloud service migration and all-new SaaS solutions.

Read the Case Study  

Making waves with agile Digital Transformation


How Intergence helped a long-established transport company overhaul its infrastructure, overcome the competition & perfect the customer journey.

Read the Case Study  

Enterprises evolve, and so do their technical requirements. For an in-depth breakdown of how our Business Analytics Consulting transforms your operations, visit our Case Studies page.

Visit our Case Studies Page

Be infinitely enabled

Partner with a company that goes beyond your typical cloud service provider. Talk to Intergence and redefine the future of your enterprise.