SaaS Solutions

Move your workplace software online, work on projects from anywhere, and turn everyday apps into drivers for productivity and innovation with our Software as a Service (SaaS) Solutions.

For the always-enabled enterprise

For SaaS solutions that are always available, optimised and innovative, look no further. At Intergence, we specialise in every major SaaS service, not only delivering the best for your business and industry, but enhancing it with our consultive experience and ingenious Stratiam solutions.

The way of the modern workplace

With SaaS your software selections, working options and business budget are more flexible than ever – and make your workflows more efficient.

Talk to Us  

  • Cost-effective
    Stop paying for obsolete solutions and expensive license renewals. Regular, subscription-based pricing keeps your SaaS costs proportionate and manageable.

  • Cloud-enabled
    Access everything from anywhere, without the need for software installs. Your SaaS solutions are accessible from anywhere, and often within a simple web browser.

  • Secure
    Separated from your company network, secured behind industry-leading protections and saved away from user devices, your SaaS data is among your most secure.

  • Scalable
    Your SaaS services are flexible, growing or tightening with your business needs, as and when you need them to. Never again pay for surplus solutions.


Growing and innovating a Cloud-based counselling firm

Pieta House is one of the largest mental health charities in Ireland, operating since 2006 and providing counselling for over 58,000 people suffering from emotional distress. When demand for their services outpaced their technical capabilities, Pieta House reached out to Intergence for assistance.

Our case study details how we cooperated with Pieta House’s senior management to develop a Cloud-first, flexible strategy that expanded their services, enabled flexible working and increased its technical capabilities exponentially.

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Approved and accredited



Digital Transformation Guiding Principles eBook

Don’t fear those first steps into Digital Transformation. Our eBook prepares you for yours with Cloud, networking and IoT strategies that let you put your best foot forward.

“Distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult”
- Madame Marie du Deffand

Confident, cooperative consultancy

We’ve worked with leaders from across multiple industries, helping them discover business change through our personal approach and innovative technical solutions. Our consultancy expertise ensures our SaaS solutions meet the needs of your business, the expectations of your clients and the demands of your regulators, supporting you with:

  • Licensing and renewal
    Ensure your SaaS licenses are up to date, meet corporate needs and deliver the value to match your investments.

  • Cost analysis
    Make your cost savings tangible and trackable, with cost visibility and spend analysis that ensures you make the most of your solutions.

  • Security and compliance
    Navigate the complications of corporate and regulatory compliance with solutions that protect existing data and defend all future technologies.

  • Optimising and utilisation
    Optimise your SaaS solutions and identify your users’ needs and habits. Implement solutions based on your aspirations.

  • SaaS onboarding
    Introduce your new SaaS Services, implement them into your workflow and ensure users are familiar with their new SaaS capabilities.

  • Ongoing SaaS services
    Your SaaS solutions are managed, maintained and monitored to ensure they maintain proficiency, economy and compatibility with your business.

With our SaaS solution consulting, your business software is renewed,

revitalised and ready for true transformation.

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Your specialist SaaS partners

Enable flexible working, ensure full availability of your apps and optimise your workflow with faster, more secure software solutions. With SaaS Solutions delivered by our technical specialists, you’re working at your fastest and most effective.