Cloud Migration Services

Adopt new, online-enabled technologies and move your in-house solutions to an always-online home. With Intergence’s Cloud Migration Services, your business enters the modern workplace quickly, smoothly and seamlessly.

Modernised, migrated and made for success

Cloud Migration’s not optional – it’s inevitable. So, when you enter the always-online modern workplace, do so with the support, expertise and experience of Intergence, the authority in IT consultancy and managed Cloud Migration Services.

Enter the modern workplace.

Explore new ways of working without the uncertainty. With our Cloud Migration Services, you enter the Cloud with our combined expertise, experience and assistance.

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  • Flexible working
    Don’t just take your workforce online, give them all-new ways of working thanks to Cloud-enabled benefits that might once have been impossible.

  • Future-proofed solutions
    Access all-new software and solutions instantly. Cloud virtualisation lets you access almost everything – without the need for software or hardware upgrades.

  • Up-to-date and optimised
    The latest patches and security updates keep your solutions in perfect condition, with server-side management managed by your provider, saving you time and resources.

  • Cost-effective
    Never spend on surplus hardware again; our Cloud Migration Services are endlessly flexible, letting you scale up and down instantly, as and when you need.

  • Stay secure
    Your Cloud data is protected behind the most secure servers, each managed and maintained by industry-leading providers. Your assets are in safe, secure hands.

  • Long-term savings
    Our Cloud Migration Services could help you save on licensing costs, hardware investments and software purchases, with flexible approaches to modern technologies.


Enabling expansion with a complete cloud strategy

Our client, a global loyalty and benefits company, needed an all-new strategy to match its exponential growth. With 30 companies under its scope and several different structures and processes to manage, they needed a centralised solution with robust data resources.

Our case study details how we assessed the company’s risks, roadblocks and technical bandwidth, delivering a strategy that broke down the barriers to their Cloud adoption.

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Approved and accredited



Digital Transformation Guiding Principles eBook

Don’t fear those first steps into Digital Transformation. Our eBook prepares you for yours with Cloud, networking and IoT strategies that let you put your best foot forward.

“Distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult”
- Madame Marie du Deffand
Download eBook

For smarter, more streamlined Cloud Migration Services

Cloud computing doesn’t have to be complex – not least with the technical and consultative expertise of Intergence. With decades of experience in IT and a history of Cloud app development, there’s no better partner for your Cloud Migration Services.

  • Cooperative consultancy
    We view our services as a people-first partnership. We consult with you on your business needs, aspirations and limitations, and base our solutions around them.

  • For all kinds of Cloud
    The Cloud is virtually unlimited – and so should your options be. Whether Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud, our Cloud Migration Services are fine-tuned and flexible.

  • Strong partner relations
    We’ve cultivated strong, long-lasting relationships with tech partners and providers. Whatever your chosen technology, we’re able to provide and perfect.

  • Managed and monitored
    We’re constantly updating, improving and monitoring your Cloud. You’re safely secured, enabled with the latest technologies and optimised at all times for long-lasting Cloud solutions.

Powered by our people

Whatever we implement, we do it in a way that suits both your clients and your colleagues – much like we’ve done for such valued clients as these…

Digital Transformation
with agility at its heart


How Intergence transformed its core processes, provided faster, more efficient services and improved Tendring District Council’s customer experience.

Read the Case Study  

Cloud Strategy and


How Intergence accelerated a complex company merger with a holistic new infrastructure, low-risk Cloud service migration and all-new SaaS solutions.

Read the Case Study  

Making waves with agile Digital Transformation


How Intergence helped a long-established transport company overhaul its infrastructure, overcome the competition & perfect the customer journey.

Read the Case Study  


Enterprises evolve, and so do their technical requirements. For an in-depth breakdown of how our solutions transform business operations, visit our Case Studies page.

Visit our Case Studies Page

A collaborative force for the Cloud

Take your tech, your business and your people into the Cloud with innovative support that helps each of them prosper. For concise Cloud Migration Services, look no further than Intergence.