Lead From the Front with Your Digital Transformation Game Plan

Digital transformation game plan

By now we have settled into the new normal: we are no longer reliant on crowded office spaces to get our work done, we can seamlessly collaborate from wherever we are, and our need for endless daily commutes has grown rare. All this has been made possible by technology. But while technological advancements have untethered us from our desks, it is near impossible to keep track of all the innovations happening around us.

The challenge businesses are facing is to figure out how to use technology to their advantage. Which innovations should you (or should you not) invest in? How do you adapt to keep ahead in the game and strengthen your competitive advantage? Without a doubt, technology enables growth. It connects your employees, it breaks down barriers, it widens your talent pool and it boosts your efficiency, flexibility and productivity. But the crux of it is that you need to use it wisely.

Read on to find out how to be a technological trailblazer and lead from the front with the right digital transformation game plan.

Bid a Fond Farewell to Convention or Face the Repercussions

We understand it can be hard to figure out how to keep up with digital progress, but in a world that is constantly evolving, those who do not manage to adapt will be left behind.

What Are the Repercussions of Legacy Tech?

  • Less cost-efficient – It might seem counterintuitive but investing in new technology will actually save you money in the long run. Legacy tech breaks down more often, consumes more energy and is more expensive to maintain than newer technologies.
  • Less time-efficient – Legacy tech does not benefit from the same automation options as newer technology does. Having to spend more time on outdated manual processes costs your employees precious time that they could otherwise be spending on more important work. Newer technology allows the streamlining of processes, ensuring smoother collaboration and less frustration in your team.
  • Lower customer satisfaction – It goes without saying that if your processes are slow and expensive to upkeep and your employees are frustrated and unproductive, your customers will notice. Customer satisfaction is integral to your business’ success and optimising your internal processes and technologies will have a direct impact on your external success.

The implementation of new technology also means you need to adopt new approaches. Higher accessibility, for example through Cloud settings, also means new cyber threats facing your organisation - so how do you prepare your defences? Unified Communications software allows you to easily and quickly communicate internally and externally, triggering the phasing out of old processes that were less efficient. But in a time where we constantly see new innovations, how do you know where to start?

Step Into the Future

Before we go into the 'how’, let's take a look at some of the advantages that new technologies offer.

  • Take the strain off your in-house IT team – The advent of cloud computing revolutionised the way we work. No longer reliant on legacy servers and hard disks that are near impossible to scale, cloud computing offered what businesses had been longing for: limitless potential. The automation options of the cloud take the strain off your in-house team. At Intergence, we offer managed services as part of our vast product offering. The MS branch can help you figure out the right Cloud setting for your organisation and will counsel you throughout your Cloud journey.
  • Always be up to date – With automation being widely available, new solutions allow you to automatically stay up to date. From automated software updates to the auto-scaling options of cloud environments, digital transformation enables you to phase out lengthy manual processes and ensures your business is always up to date.
  • Get better insights – Digital transformation allows you to consolidate your data, which allows you to monitor and analyse every part of your business, spotting gaps before they turn into issues. You will also be able to see what is working and what is not, and so improve your processes and offerings. That way you ensure you and your business are constantly evolving. If you are struggling to draw conclusions from your data, Intergence can counsel you on your business analytics and help shape your strategy.
  • Efficiency, scalability and flexibility – The right solutions will elevate your business, empower your employees and drive your success. Cloud environments will allow you to increase your scalability and flexibility because you can mould them to your individual business requirements, and unified communications solutions allow you to efficiently collaborate anytime, anywhere.


Lead the Way with Intergence

While keeping up with digital transformation is one thing, leading the way and blazing the trail are another. As your IT partner, Intergence will assess your unique business requirements and council you on the best way forward to achieve your business goals. We can provide you with the tools you need in order to not just follow the crowd but pioneer the way forward.

Our Cloud & Infrastructure consulting will empower you to integrate a smart, scalable and secure foundation for your future. We can help you reinvent your infrastructure, liberate your users and enable evolution. And for full peace of mind, you can also choose to have us manage your IT with our managed services, providing unparalleled transparency throughout. With our Intergence framework, we lay the digital transformation game plan for your company’s growth, evolution and opportunities for the future.

Piqued your interest? Download our eBook, Embarking on a Digital Transformation Journey: 7 Steps for Success, to make sure you are utilising your technology to stay ahead of the curve.


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